Showing the goods on the subway

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

The Times has an article about women wearing miniskirts titled, New York Region > The M Line and the Hemline: Miniskirt Protocols” href=””>The M Line and the Hemline: Miniskirt Protocols. Because mini’s are all the rage (especially the short frilly ones) it is almost impossible to go through a day without a woman showing the goods when on the subway. The subway is a veritable obsticle course of not showing yourself off. It is almost unavoidable – think of the physics involed! Short amounts of fabric, bending at the waist and knees, not to mention going up stairs, all add to the degree of difficulty and the danger of wearing a mini. On an unrelated note, the article has a picture of a model named Heather Marks, but her face has been cropped out.

Heather Marks, 16, is a professional model. She did not want her face in the newspaper, but she did display her method for keeping subway decorum.

I found this odd, because there wasn’t anything that riske about what she said, or what she was wearing. It was standard prosti-tot fashion (young girls dressing up like prostitutes) that many of the girls/women here wear. What is funny though, is that it took all of 1 second to google Heather Marks to find informtion about a Canadian model who also works in New York. The power of google.
My opinion? Women who put on a short miniskirt, take on the knowledge that sooner or later, you will flash someone. Again, it’s unavoidable – you are the one who put on that tiny skirt, you have to live with the consequences. You might as well just pick a good pair of underwear, and hope for the best. Sorry ladies, fashion is a bitch.