Union Square Clock

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

Union Square Clock
Does anyone know what has happened to the Union Square Clock on the Virgin Megastore building (1 Union Square South)? For those who don’t know about the clock, it is an art installation by Kristin Jones & Andrew Ginzel entitled Metronome, which normally consists of 15 large LED’s which count time both ascending and descending fashion. But it has changed: now instead of the ascending and descending time, it is counting down to some event in approximately 78 Days 22 Hours 02 Minutes 45 Seconds 23 Thousands (as of this morning). So what’s up? What is happening in 78 days- the public want’s to know!
UPDATE 19 Apr 2005
Grubbsketeer Jared pointed out it could be for nyc2012 Olympic Bid, which led us to more information via google. Basically, the announcement of the host city is made on July 6th, 2005 – about 78 days from now, so co-option of public art by Deputy Mayor Doctoroff isn’t besides the pale.
Update 27 Apr 2005
I can confirm that the numbers counting down are to the unveiling of the host city for the 2012 Olympics on July 6th, 2005. I’m just waiting on some quotes from participants so I can write it up. Here’s to journami-sm.

10 thoughts on “Union Square Clock

  1. When was that pic taken? 78 from yesterday is July 4th, right? My math might be off or something (I am fairly ill today) but unless there’s something special about our country’s 230th birthday (again, math brain no worky today), there must be something else.

  2. Jared says it could be the day they announce who’s hosting the games. Those.. Olympics games or something. Maybe?

  3. Hmmm… the Olympic bid is plausible – 78 days is July 5th, 2005 (I think). The IOC makes their decision public on July 6, 2005 in Singapore. So I guess that would make sense. I’m kind of appalled that the Bloomberg administration would change a piece of public art to shill for the Olympics bid. I have been quite turned-off by the Mayor’s and Doctoroff’s handling of the MTA West Side Railyards fiasco and this need for the Olympics to come the New York City. It’s very much like Bloomberg’s shilling to get the RNC here and all the trouble the city went through, the money the city lost, and the complicity the Mayor has in helping re-elect the President.

  4. They get stars in their eyes sometimes. I’m sure once the concept of actually having the Olympics in NYC has been absorbed, it becomes a “need” rather than a desire. There’s an energy to it that’s easy to understand, I think. But still- I’m curious as to how many people notice the clock change… I’m sure a lot, but let me tell you, I know a large number of people who, until I told them, had no idea what that clock was doing, with all those crazy numbers. Isn’t that hilarious?

  5. Yeah… the first time I saw the clock, I had to go back and Google what was going on. I tell you what, knowing the current time and how many hours left in the day is quite handy sometimes.

  6. From what I have heard NYU has bought out the Virgin Megastore and the clock countdown represents the time left until the store closes. This is supported by the Virgin MEGA sale, where it seems that they are trying to liquidate their stock. In its place there are going to be classrooms. Thats just what I heard.

  7. Union Square Clock, revisited

    Touché, New York Times, Touché. On Sunday, the paper of record decided to weigh in on an issue that we covered two weeks ago, with an article entitled, For a Mysterious Clock, Method in Its Madness: It turns out that…

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