Legal Wall Painting

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

Court Street Graf, originally uploaded by plemeljr
As the above photo shows, there is a legal wall painting in progress at the corner of Court & Atlantic going up for the Atlantic Avenue Art Walk this weekend, 4 – 5 June. The walls are being painted by thirteen or so artists, and they will be working from 4 pm to dark every night this week to finish the work. The gentleman, whose name I instantly forgot (sorry!), working on his section said that tomorrow and Thursday would be the best nights to check out the work in progress.
For more photos of this wall at the Court & Atlantic Legal Wall set, the graffiti or streetart tags, and Jake Dobkin’s Streetart Archive.

One thought on “Legal Wall Painting

  1. To give Jared props… apparently there is a huge billboard now surrounding the mysterious countdown in Union Square- indeed, his guess was right, and it is for the Olympic decision.
    I do find it kinda sad though that they decided to spell it out rather than have it remain mysterious to the very end.

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