Gi-normous Popsicle Melts on a Hot Summer Day

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

Gi-normous PopsicleThe Snapple Lady and the Giant Popsicle – photo by Newsday
Well, the city is still reeling from yesterday’s Giant Popsicle Stunt by Snapple. Gothamist has a roundup of local news reactions and a whole lotta photos. The Daily News yucks it up, while The Post overreacts as usual, the New York Times let’s loose a bit, and Newsday keeps a stiff upper lip (but have good photos). Hopefully this doesn’t signal the beginning of the “Summer Funnies” for the New York press – how many days has it been officially summer?
The question begs to be answered: What is funnier than a 20-ton popsicle melting on a hot day in the middle of New York City? Nothing, except imagining the conversation around the boardroom when Snapple dreamed this stunt up.
Here are some photos of the aftermath and a photos set of Snapple Caps photos.