Ghost Bike Project

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

Ghost Bike 2, originally uploaded by
This summer has been a particularly rough time for New York City commuters who choose to ride their bike to work, with a record number of commuters dying due to careless drivers.
In memorial to those who have died an art group, Visual Resistance, has started the Ghost Bike project, taking old bicycles and painting them all white and affixing a plaque in memorial to the fallen.
I’ve seen them pop up more and more across Brooklyn and Manhattan, and they are quite a striking memorial and agit-prop. And perusing Flickr, it seems like this project is world-wide.
See more photos on Flickr and other projects by Visual Resistance.

One thought on “Ghost Bike Project

  1. If you’re interested, I have my own project in San Francisco that I started in 2002. It’s about stripped, abandoned bicycles locked on the streets, not about collisions. I am only now finding these other ghost bike projects in cities across the country.

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