Transit Strike Porn

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

Transit Running, originally uploaded by plemeljr
Almost every station had some graphic cooked up concerning the impending Transit Strike. Local news is very much similar to piranhas swirling around fresh meat.
Later Update 16 Dec 05
Well, looks like only a partial strike of the private bus lines – for now.
What’s the hold up?

The main issues separating the two sides are pensions, health insurance and safety. The authority had offered pay raises of 3 percent a year in a 27-month contract, which the union rejected. In addition, the MTA asked that the retirement age for new employees be raised to 62 after 30 years of service, while the union wants it lowered to 50 after 20 years on the job. Transit workers can now retire at age 55 after 25 years of service.

Looks like we have until midnight on Monday.