Bauhaus Design

Bauhaus Design 4Bauhaus Design 4, originally uploaded by Alki1

Bauhaus catalog cover designed by Herbert Bayer. Bauhaus archives.

Children, Helvetica did not come onto the type market until 1957, designed by Max Miedinger and as I remember, it was originally called Haas New Grotesk, based on Akidenz Grotesk, a san serif designed in 1896 (and still used today in various versions). It was a product of the Haas typefoundry, a Swiss company, but was later picked up by another foundry and named Helvetica. It came out in the US around 1961, and the local printing company just bought the face in 8, 10, and 12 point cast type and that was when I was first introduced to it. I worked with a graphic designer who also designed type who drew up a large size of Helvetica and then had it printed. I would get an assigment [sic] from other designers who needed Helvetica headings and other large type projects. I got a dollar a word for pasting up Helvetica until the foundries came out with a larger selection of Helvetica type sizes.

See also, Bauhaus Design Set.