March for Values – Chicago, IL

I was walking around Chicago and happened across this march and decided to try to do a quick edit to try to tell the story. Unfortunately the lighting was pretty bad: high specular lighting from an overcast sky. And I didn’t shoot enough footage to really tell the whole story. But as a quick test of equipment and editing in Premiere, I think this turned out alright.
I learned that I need to continue shooting past when I think I have enough footage in the scene or overall. And I need a better large tripod since it is hard to take good footage using only a monopod.
Equipment used:

  • Canon 5d mk II
  • Canon 24mm 2.8
  • Canon 50mm 1.4
  • Zacuto Z-Finder 2.5x
  • Manfrotto monopod 680B with 234RC head
  • Zoom H4N recorder