Weekend, Springtime in Summer , Links

City Tackling Housing Demand, Supply; Creating Stimulus

I approve of this: City Launching Plan to Turn Unfinished Condos Into Subsidized Housing:

The city is launching a $20 million initiative to restart stalled condo projects, turning some of the unfinished developments into below-market-rate housing. Details are still hazy, but Council Speaker Christine Quinn and the commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Rafael Cestero, said Wednesday that the city would solicit proposals from developers and lenders by the end of July.
The target is 400 units, meaning that the average subsidy of the apartments—which are designed to be for moderate- and middle-income families—would be about $50,000, well below the typical level usually doled out for new subsidized housing construction in the city.
Scores of condo sites in the city have stalled amid the economic crisis, and the concept in the plan is to find a way to offer enough incentive to restart them. The developer would commit to leaving a number of its units as affordable for moderate- and middle-income families; in return, the developer gets the subsidy and is also promised a buyer or a rent stream (unlike luxury condos, there is still demand for subsidized housing).

This is excellent, with the caveat that developers (who we all love to hate) will be getting more or less a bailout.
However, this is minor (and we need to grit our teeth) to the status quo: empty holes or half-finished buildings dotting the landscape and the construction industry left idle costing jobs. Creating moderate- and middle income housing, a socially just way to keep the middle class in New York City, is also a handy way to stimulate the local economy. I would also suggest that the city should underwrite the loans to the moderate- and middle-income families as well who will populate these condos.
Attacking the supply issue (not enough homes for the middle class), creating a stimulative system is perfect for satisfying the demand of housing in New York City.

Jefferson Lives: Rural America Stealing Money From Cities

Manhattan BridgeManhattan Bridge, originally uploaded by plemeljr

John Adams was right, “Thomas Jefferson survives, and is winning: Cities Lose Out on Road Funds From Federal Stimulus:

Two-thirds of the country lives in large metropolitan areas, home to the nation’s worst traffic jams and some of its oldest roads and bridges. But cities and their surrounding regions are getting far less than two-thirds of federal transportation stimulus money.
According to an analysis by The New York Times of 5,274 transportation projects approved so far — the most complete look yet at how states plan to spend their stimulus money — the 100 largest metropolitan areas are getting less than half the money from the biggest pot of transportation stimulus money. In many cases, they have lost a tug of war with state lawmakers that urban advocates say could hurt the nation’s economic engines.

The 100 largest metropolitan areas also contribute three-quarters of the nation’s economic activity, and one consequence of that is monumental traffic jams. A study of congestion in urban areas released Wednesday by the Texas Transportation Institute found that traffic jams in 2007 cost urban Americans 2.8 billion gallons of wasted gas and 4.2 billion hours of lost time.

This shouldn’t be news. Our government at both the Federal and State level is structurally aligned to diffuse power, and thus money, to rural America. The Senate is but one example where the great people of Montana have more representation than the Borough of Brooklyn.
Here in New York State, when we actually have a functioning government, often Upstate is denying New York City homerule – cf bus lane cameras, letting the MTA’s finances crumble (Pataki), denying congestion charge, to name but a few.
If you want to change this, get rid of the US Senate and move toward unicameral state legislatures.

Chart: Congestion v Population

Ryan throws down the chart gauntlet in his post, Where the Congestion Grows Like Kudzu:

Real Time Economics helpfully reprints a chart from TTI’s urban mobility report which looks at hours wasted per traveler by metropolitan area. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in there. For a Washingtonian, the thing that’s likely to stick out is the fact that Washington is second in the country in hours wasted per traveler, and sustained the largest increase in wasted hours between 1982 and 2007.
One representation I’d love to see, should someone have the time to put a chart together, is hours wasted per traveler versus metropolitan population. The average traveler in the New York metro area faces 44 hours wasted per year, for instance, while the average traveler in Los Angeles loses 70 hours per year to congestion, even though New York’s metropolitan population is much, much larger than LA’s.

Please look no further: Driving Congestion v Population:
Driving v Population
I took data from the Texas Transportation Institute report and matched it with some Metropolitan Statistical Area population data I had laying around when I Compared NYC & Washington DC – Area, Population, Density & Average Income. I was lazy and didn’t find the Texas Transportation Institute report to verify that they were using MSA’s as their population boundaries, but I assume that’s what they did.
Maybe my next chart will be a moving average of a city’s population-to-congestion analysis to see if there is anyway to find a consistent drift. My guess there will be a correlation between population and hours wasted (but that is a pretty safe assumption).
And don’t miss, Washington DC Congestion v Population Over Time:
Washington DC Congestion v Population Over Time
Ball is in your court, Mr. Avent.

Tuesday, Back from my Sabbatical, Links

Site Visit: Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
Reusing discarded industrial infrastructure is all the rage these days in New York City. East River Park was a rail yard and shipping dock, the recently opened High Line, a linear park in the air built on an abandoned railway, and Brooklyn Bridge Park which is set to open in the near future. Monday, I was given the opportunity to take a site tour hosted by the Empire State Development Corporation, the ASLA and Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates.
The Brooklyn Bridge Park is an assemblage of six existing piers and related upland fronting the East River on the very western edge of Brooklyn. Landscape design is by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates whose major design strategy was to create a larger interface between the water and the upland, adding an additional mile to the shore. A mix of active and passive recreation is distributed throughout the site, ensuring everyone from soccer players to kayakers are cared for.
Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA) completed a two stage analysis: an existing infrastructure structural analysis and a program analysis. This was followed by creating an thick (intensive) horticultural zone on land with a thin (extensive) active zone on the existing piers. The existing piers are structurally sound, the Port Authority continually protecting and maintaining the piers from 1957 to 2007 when the Port Authority ceded control of the land to the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy.
The park is currently undergoing demolition, utility relocation and installation and preliminary grading. The site was raw, but the beginning contours of the park was taking shape.
Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
One thing to remember about the existing site: the site is immensely flat.
And loud.
Mind numbingly loud from the existing BQE, which is a perfect acoustical reflector, pushing sound away from Brooklyn Heights to the piers below. Which worked splendidly when those piers were operating wharves, but is horrible for peaceful relaxation. To solve this, MVVA with their acoustical engineers modeled the complete site acoustically, creating a 3-d sound map of the site. Through different iterations, the team decided the best course of action was to create a berm at the upland edge of the site at Furman Street, which would rise up over 20 feet to deflect the sound. The team refers to this as The Mohawk, which acts to quiet the noise, making the future park, Not quite Upstate New York farm field (quiet), but you would be able to hear (conversations).
Which is important. Because the site, as it sits now without the Mohawk, is fucking loud.
Much of the materials for the project is being reused from other large scale projects in the NYC area. Granite is coming from the renovated Willis Avenue Bridge and Roosevelt Island. Fill is coming from East Side Access, in the form of pulverized granite which is compacted and used as the base for the horticultural layers (the dirt). Also, the park will be catching and storing 80% of the rainfall to reuse for irrigation. Additionally, many of the existing pier buildings are being reused for recreation, or being recycled for other uses on site.
Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
The success of the park will be based largely on taming the BQE and creating place (not merely space) where a desolate landscape once stood. Connections to the existing urban fabric are sparse, being only connected at the north and south ends and a proposed bridge at the northern end; the connective tissue must be strong enough to make the procession worth the trouble.
Success is already within the designers and city’s grasp: much like the High Line, the Brooklyn Bridge Park will open up views of Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Heights which only a few have seen. Standing on site you do feel like you are on the edge of a precipice; in the fading sunlight, standing on top of compacted granite from deep below Manhattan, it is hard not to stare at the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan slack jawed.
See below for a selection of photos, or check out my complete Brooklyn Bridge Park Construction Set.

  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)
  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Under Construction)

Thursday, Open Studios Day, Links