Congratulations Steelers Nation

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Congratulations go out to the Steelers Nation after tonight’s 27-23 victory over the Arizona Cardinals. I’m sure someone will make a Red State-Blue State crack, this site won’t stoop that low.

More Songsmith – Now With Data

Ben Fry in , Songs off the Charts, has an interesting data-to-audio video from Johannes Kreidler, with the help of Microsoft Songsmith. Please watch:

I have to agree with Ben, Songsmith is one of those projects which will untimely be judged a success because it allows people to hijack and misuse the program in ways which its creators never would have imagined. Besides Runnin’ With The Songsmith, Charts Music – Songsmith fed with Stock Charts shows how versatile Songsmith can be.

Objectified Trailer

From the boys who brough you Helvetica, comes Objectified, a feature-length documentary about our relationship to manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them.
It is a bit surprising that it has taken movie makers this long to create movies centered around very niche, but insanely popular, design topics; yet unsurprising that director Gary Hustwit brought two movies to print which look to be making a proper bit of grownup cash.

HR-1 Stimulus Bill Passes House 244-188

The US House of Representative just passed H.R.1 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 244-188 after defeating the Republican’s proposal which was a collection of long-sought tax cuts. After a few legislative maneuvers (including trying to get recommit the bill with instructions back to the Appropriations Committee – effectively killing the bill), the bill was passed.
Note that all 177 Republicans vote against the bill. So President Obama hands a fig leaf out to the opposition, including tax cuts, and the Republicans complain for a week and then vote against it. Nice.