Lufthansa Europa Jet, originally uploaded by alphanumeric.
Category: General
Monday, after the Oscars, Links
72: Otl Aicher and the Munich Olymiad
a_otl_7.jpg, originally uploaded by tobybarnes
London graphic design consultancy, Bibliothèque, has agreed to exhibit a large proportion of its extraordinary collection of posters, books, manuals, badges and other rare items at 72 Wigmore Street from 15 February to 15 March 2007.
72: Otl Aicher and the Munich Olymiad
Cummins Engine Company
American Graphic Design, originally uploaded by Alki1
See also Cummins Engine Company Style manual.
Sunday Links
Obama uses Gotham Typeface
OBAMA ’08 VOTE CHANGE, originally uploaded by xtrapop
From A Font We Can Believe In:
Watching this clip, I think it’s interesting that the design of Gotham was influenced by early Modernism, another movement that was about change and social idealism. And I like that the design aesthetic that may help move Obama into the White House was inspired by the humble NY Port Authority Bus Terminal sign.
Also check out Hoefler & Frere-Jones who bringing teh funny on McCain and Hillary.
American Society for Metals
Ode To Buckminster, originally uploaded by James Kazan
Why We Banned Legos
Legospective, originally uploaded by Guillermo Ruiz de Loizaga
During the boom days of Legotown, we’d suggested to the key Lego players that there was an unequal distribution of power giving rise to conflict and tension. Our suggestions were met with deep resistance. Children denied any explicit or unfair power, making comments like “Some-body’s got to be in charge or there would be chaos,” and “The little kids ask me because I’m good at Legos.” They viewed their power as passive leadership, benignly granted, arising from mastery and long experience with Legos, as well as from their social status in the group.
Now, with Legotown dismantled and the issues of equity and power squarely in front of us, we took up the idea of power and its multiple meanings.
– From, Why We Banned Legos.