Rev. Sun Myung Moon (owner of the Washington Times) sold submarines to Kim Jong-Il which can launch nuclear weapons on the West Coast Rev. Sun Myung Moon (owner of the Washington Times) sold submarines to Kim Jong-Il which can launch nuclear weapons on the West Coast Continue reading “Rev. Sun Myung Moon (owner of the Washington Times) sold submarines to Kim Jong-Il which can launch nuclear weapons on the West Coast” →
Pray For Mojo: Helper monky meets little boy at grocery store; problems ensue Pray For Mojo: Helper monky meets little boy at grocery store; problems ensue
Wired interviews Cameron Sinclair Wired interviews Cameron Sinclair Continue reading “Wired interviews Cameron Sinclair” →
Usenet readers raise $100 to send a Paleoclimatologist to review ‘Day After Tomorrow’ Usenet readers raise $100 to send a Paleoclimatologist to review ‘Day After Tomorrow’
Instead of war, we could have built 1,788,422 additional housing units as of Friday, July 30, 2004 Instead of war, we could have built 1,788,422 additional housing units as of Friday, July 30, 2004