Memo To Media: Public Wants Dems To Confront White House In “Partisan” Manner
Throwing tiny pies at bugs at high speed
Leers Weinzapfel Architects won the AIA 2007 Architecture Firm Award
My (old, old) firm Leers Weinzapfel Architects is profiled by Apple and recently won the AIA 2007 Architecture Firm Award
Anti-Escalation Group Buzzes GOP Debate
Illegal Prime
Illegal prime is a prime number which represents information forbidden to possess or distribute
when decoded, such as DeCSS or the recent AACS code dustup
pictures of people playing video games
Philip Toledano: pictures of people playing video games; similar: Faces of Guitar Heroes
Design a Counterstrike mod, get expelled from school
Panama Canal Timelapse
A map of online communities
A map of online communities Here be Anthropomorphic Dragons