My First Day with the Yankees as a Bat Boy
My First Day with the Yankees as a Bat Boy: Hi, I’m Don Mattingly… and I need you to find me a bat stretcher
Zero-Emissions Building Act of 2007
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
Stacks, originally uploaded by Jim Frazier
Senator Clinton and Senator Kerry are co-sponsoring S. 1059 (pdf) the Zero-Emissions Building Act of 2007 (Thomas link) which would require all new or renovated Federal building to be “carbon neutral” by 2030. Design methods and energy efficient technologies to reduce energy use & demand, on-site renewable energy generation and any additional strategies not mentioned. The GSA already mandates that all new construction to achieve, at minimum, LEED Silver level certification.
This is excellent news and tracks with what the AIA has petitioned been asking Congress for the last few years. Unfortunately, there are only two co-sponsors now, and both are Democrats. If this has a chance to pass (either standalone or part of the Omnibus Energy Bill) it needs more support. Contact your Senator!
WWII Cutaway Renderings
Large collection of WWII Cutaway Renderings
Seattle’s 1962 Century 21 Exposition Renderings
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
Space Needle Rendering, Paul Thiry
Great renderings of Seattle’s 1962 Century 21 Exposition; Paul Thiry was appointed principal architect in 1957.
Here is a 1983 interview with Thiry prior to the announcement of winning the AIA Seattle Medalist 1984 (interesting stuff).
Anyone else have links to cool Mid Century Modernist renderings?
Marine General’s Iraq Green Request
Marine General in Iraq sent a Priority 1 request for renewable power stations, equipped with solar panels and wind turbines
Good vs. Evil Foosball
The Alameda-Weehawken Burrito Tunnel
Phots of Cities Around the World
Huge collection of Phots of Cities Around the World