Video: Disney World’s The Tower of Terror recreated in Half Life
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Excellent Short about Letterpress in Boston is quite charming (via)
Nonsuch: photos of model’town Poundbury by Steffi Klenz set in Poundbury Dorset, built on land owned by the Duchy of Cornwell and planned by the architect Leon Krier
Driving directions from New York City to Paris, France via Google Maps: Step 22 – Turn right at Long Wharf (0.1 mi), Step 23 – Swim across the Atlantic Ocean (3,462 mi)
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Next time in the Lower East Side, be sure to play Ping Pong at new storefront space Grand Opening
John McCain’s MySpace Page (narf) was hot linking Mike D’s images so he changed them so McCain would appear to be supporting gay marriage (looks like they just changed the image source)
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