JW’s view from the trenches
Regarding yesterday’s Chicago Transit problems, JW points out his view from the trenches, and it doesn’t look good
A Rail System (and Patience) Are Stretched Thin in Chicago
photos of New York in Black and White
Giant Wired New York Forum with photos of New York in Black and White
Airbus A380 @ JFK
Vidiot took some amazing photos of the new Airbus A380 @ JFK. This is a huge airplane, especially looking from the side or the front. Here is the product website.
Fiction come to life: Justin.tv is broadcasting live video 24/7 of its’ eponymous author; the four day old project has already been pranked by viewers calling 911
Design as Slow-Motion Train Wreck
On Letterpress: Design as Slow-Motion Train Wreck
Foreclosures Force Suburbs to Fight Blight
Hens coming home to roost: lack of Bush Administration regulation led to The Subprime Loan Machine which led to Foreclosures Force Suburbs to Fight Blight