The X Effect
Soulless Programming of the Decade Award: MTV’s The X Effect pairs ex-boy/girlfriends together and places them in situations which heighten the possibility that they cheat on their now boy/girlfriends; all the while their present boy/girlfriends watch via CCTV
Frank Gehry’s IAC headquarters
New York Times reviews Frank Gehry’s IAC headquarters – don’t miss IAC’s interactive website
How “Christ, What an Asshole!” is the Answer to the New Yorker Magazine Caption Contest
Silo Point grain elevator is being converted to condos
Baltimore’s Silo Point grain elevator is being converted to condos (photos & map)
Green vs. design in S.F. tower GSA building
Bus line appeals to shoestring travelers with new routes
Megabus is a Bus line appeals to shoestring travelers with new routes throughout the Midwest
Senator Boxer Slams Down Inhofe’s Global Warming Filibuster
Grade school kids who became obsessed with using fake video cameras
Chris Ware’s animation for This American Life about grade school kids who became obsessed with using fake video cameras