50 States In A Week’s Vacation
How do you design a marker for the WIPP & Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dumps?
How do you design a marker for the WIPP & Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dumps?
White House directed the firings of United States Attorney’s for political purposes
STEREO-B spacecraft caught the transit of the Moon across the Sun during the eclipse
Why does daylight saving time save energy?
Gingrich Admits to Extramarital Affair
Expectations of Adolescence
Expectations of Adolescence: ten years of periodic photographs of two cousins, seen only during large family reunions in the same two timeless settings of their grandparents’ ornately decorated New England home or the family’s summer place on the water.
Dueling Firefighters debate Giuliani
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
Interesting developments in the Firefighters don’t like Rudy mini-fracas. Looks like Rudy is pushing back with support from an outfit called, Firefighters for Rudy with an Executive Director Tim Brown.
I was interested in who they were, and my first trip was to do a WHOIS search. I found the following:
- Firefighters For Rudy.com WHOIS
Created On: 01-Aug-06
Timothy Brown (tbrown@thebravest.com)
thebravest.com - Firefighters For Rudy.org WHOIS
Created On: 06-Feb-2007 03:49:02 UTC
Bentley Westfield (bwestfield@iaff.org)
International Association of Firefighters - Firefighters For Rudy.net WHOIS
Created On: 05-Feb-2007
Bentley Westfield (bwestfield@iaff.org)
International Association of Firefighters
One domain is registered to Tim Brown of thebravest.com a little under 6 months ago, and the other two are registered by the IAFF, who were the exact people who did not invite Giuliani to the debate.
I am awaiting response to questions to Tim Brown, and will post a followup.
Later 11-Mar-07
I was out of town this weekend & without web connection.
Looks like Tim Brown is on Giuliani’s payroll (no wonder we never got an answer):
Unfortunately for the AP, however, a cursory bit of checking reveals that Tim Brown is actually an aide to Rudy, and it’s unclear whether the group even has a membership larger than just Tim Brown. The phone number the campaign offered for the group is actually the same as that of the Rudy campaign’s press office. Even the Daily News knew to describe “Firefighters for Rudy” as a “campaign offshoot,” which isn’t enough, but it’s at least a start in the right direction.
So there you go: Firefights really are against Rudy.