Cornell Student Hates “West Bushwick”
Kurt Eichenwald’s weird checkbook journalism
A strange backstory is emerging from the sensational 19 Dec 2005 NY Times story, Through His Webcam, a Boy Joins a Sordid Online World – author Kurt Eichenwald apparently engaged in some checkbook journalism (a big no-no) which is just coming out, over 2 years later
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Travelogue at it’s best: PJ’s 2006 RAMBLE
Travelogue at it’s best: PJ’s 2006 RAMBLE, a man and his scooter in America (don’t miss the RAMBLE, Best Of Photoset)
The Iraq Effect: Increase of Worldwide Terrorism by Sevenfold
Firefighters don’t like Rudy Giuliani
Help The Police
Video: Help The Police from BBC3 sketch show called Rush Hour, featuring a dad playing NWA’s Fuck Tha Police, with live censoring
Apple: America’s best retailer
Apple: America’s best retailer – with sales of $4,032/SF… yes, yes they are the best retailer
Jorge Colombo’s The Dailies
Jorge Colombo’s The Dailies, feature quick sketches of New Yorkers (must be a NY’er thing to do)
Social Explorer Maps
Via Kottke comes the cool Social Explorer Maps which offer many visualizations of data. Most interesting are the slideshows illustrating movement of white New Yorker’s (1970’s White Flight) and movement of Black New Yorkers from 1910-2000 (settling Harlem, Brooklyn & Queens)