He Cooks. She Stews. It’s Love: On Alpha/Beta Cooks
Valentine’s Day Links
Some Valentine’s Day Links: Marian Bantjes: 150 hand drawn Valentines & The Comic Valentine of mid-Victorian England
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : The Agenda Restated
On Conservatives Propensity to call for Assassinations
Anthony Bourdain discusses Food Network
The Architectural Character of Williamsburg
Survey of Japanese Snack Packaging Design
Does Gerrymandering Always Undermine Progressivism
Tramway des Maréchaux
Paris has a new surface light rail called the Tramway des Maréchaux who’s route follows Adolphe Thiers’ boulevards in the 13e, 14e & 15e arrondissement and often are on grass right-of-ways