Open House New York Weekend

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

This weekend is the third annual Open House New York (or openhousenewyork as they have branded themselves), where over 180 sites normally closed to the public are open for tours and talks throughout this weekend (disclaimer: I’ve volunteered for the last three years for OHNY).
From past years, here is my list of sites particularly worth seeing, in no particular order:

  • Jefferson Market Library (sat 1300-1700) map photo
    Climb up the massive tower for the excellent views up and down 6th Avenue
  • High Bridge Water Tower (sat 1100-1600) map photos
    Climb up the old water tower for excellent views of the Harlem River valley and Upper Manhattan
  • The Bohen Foundation (sat 0900-1700) map
    Designed by architects LOT-EK (who have an office down the street, this art gallery/foundation uses shipping containers on rails as space dividers for dynamic gallery/office spaces. Last year the architects were on hand, no word if they will be on hand this year.
  • Little Red Lighthouse (sat/sun 1000-1300) map photos
    At what other time will you be able to visit and climb into a lighthouse in Manhattan? While you are up there, visit St. John the Divine.

So, go and visit the sites and use this as an opportunity to visit areas you have no other reason to visit.
For more information, check out the OHNY Google Maps, site listings, and site updates.
And check out Open House New York tag on Flickr.


This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

stock-in-01, originally uploaded by FREITAG ®
Check out the store by Freitag in Zurich made out of recycled shipping containers (pdf):

The FREITAG SHOP ZURICH is completely built from rusty, recycled freight-containers. Lovingly they were gutted, reinforced, piled up and secured. Zurich’s first bonsai-skyscraper: Low enough not to violate the city’s restriction on high-rise buildings. High enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine.

Constructed out of 17 shipping containers, this is the first container project which actually make sense; Freitag’s main product is taking recycled vinyl truck wrappers and turning them into bags, so using recycled shipping containers as a module is fitting.
FREITAG Shop Zürich - pile-up 50
And they have a Flickr account: here are <a href=""Construction Photos, pilling photos, and Stocking Photos.