Crocodile Hunter killed by a stingray barb through the heart
Question: Electric Eel powerplant, why not?
Question: Electric Eel powerplant, why not?
Andre Agassi, a class act to the end, finishes his carreer at the US Open
Multiplayer Game Of The Year
Michael Gondry’s three-minute drive across America
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Kaufmann Residence in Half Life 2
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
Video: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Kaufmann Residence (Fallingwater) in Half Life 2:
Pugs dressed as famous people
Business Week on the LonelyGirl13 conspiracy
A new-ish genre emerges: Business Week on the LonelyGirl13 conspiracy (read a good overview on LonelyGirl13 – YouTube’s biggest star; is she a viral marketing effort, kids having fun, or an epistolary novel? (via)
Max Neuhaus: Times Square
Artwork: Max Neuhaus: Times Square – see this short video