Video: Ze Frank on terrorism
Largest Typhoon in 50 years hits China Mainland @ 5:30am EST
Yes, Condi, You’re a Student of History: Stop using this lame evasion, Condi
Yes, Condi, You’re a Student of History: Stop using this lame evasion, Condi
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Origins of the 24-Second Shot Clock
Origins of the 24-Second Shot Clock – the time was decided upon by empirically noting that a good game (not to fast or slow) consisted of each team taking 60 shots, taking the total number of game seconds at the time, 2880, dividing it by 120 to get 24 seconds
Plot to Bomb Jets Is Thwarted in Britain
The Stephen Colbert “On Notice Board” Generator
AOL Log Search Engine
The previously mentioned AOL privacy dump now has a AOL Log Search Engine – Waxy points out user 711391 has a near-epic search pattern
Star Trek Inspirational Posters
Star Trek Inspirational Posters – example: INGENUITY
Yes, it is perfectly reasonable that Kirk had the know-how to make the gunpowder and put together the bazooka to defeat the Gorn. That’s why he’s the goddamn Captain.
Number Stations on VoIP
Number Stations, encoded transmissions over the airwaves (a la Lost), have been around since WW I, but now VoIP has been used for a crypto hacker challenge (via)