Sen. Mike Dewine (R-OH) runs doctored 9/11 photo of the Towers

This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.

Sen. Mike Dewine (R-OH) runs doctored 9/11 photo of the Towers, take a look:
One problem, idiot took still a photo and photoshopped “smoke” only on the South Tower; which is impossible since the North Tower was hit (from the north) first and there was a strong wind from the west which sent the resulting smoke over the harbor and into Brooklyn (see photo). Compare, if you will, Senator DeWine’s fake photo (above, left) with an actual photo (above, right) taken from around the same area.
You make the call.
Here’s U.S. News‘ expert explaining how diabolically wrong this image is:

“This particular image is impossible,” says W. Gene Corley, a stuctural engineer who led FEMA’s building performance study on the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks. Corley reviewed the ad at for U.S. News. “The north tower was hit first [so] the south tower could not be burning without the North Tower burning.” Corley also says, “the smoke is all wrong.” The day of the attacks, the plumes of ash were drifting to the southeast. “The smoke on 9/11 was never in a halo like that,” Corley says.

Best part? AP reports the ad was created by Stevens Reed Curcio & Potholm, the same slime which brought us the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth lies ads in 2004.