Star Wars and International Relations, The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.
World Cup ’06 – The Sins of American Sportscasting
All the Pundits are Insane
All the Pundits are Insane:
Well let me tell you something as plainly as I can. If you think [the war in Iraq is working], you are fucking insane.
Here Is 47th Street
Pitchfork Feature: 100 Awesome Music Video
Pitchfork Feature: 100 Awesome Music Videos – with YouTube links (via)
Caption this: Jobs & Gates at Dinner
Caption this: Jobs & Gates at Dinner
11 mile wide webpage: Hydrogen Atom Scale Model
11 mile wide webpage: Hydrogen Atom Scale Model – lots of empty space there
Gnarls Barkley Vs. Beastie Boys
Tautology of The Show
Tautology of The Show – encapsulation of a cultural phenomenon using wiki software