MUNI’s A Vision for Rapid Transit in San Francisco which I just talked about
Bus Stopped: How an attempt to make the 38 Geary bus work became another senseless San Francisco social cause
Google Mars Maps
New to Google Maps: Google Mars Maps
Two commerce/retail articles for you
Two commerce/retail articles for you: The Shrinking Gap & Never Mind the Gap (via)
Why is I-101, One-Oh-One in LA?
Help me find a city in which to lose myself
Judge quotes Adam Sandler movie in decision blasting defendant
hockey rink to basketball court time-lapse
7 World Trade Center
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
As pointed out on Curbed, I took a trip around World Trade Center Building 7 on afternoon on the way back to the office. It is quite an impressive building – the curtain wall is marvelous. Even the bunker-like base is quite nice. I have to hand it to SOM on this one – the building shines.
Now the only question is, who will rent space in a building next to a giant hole? At night there are many floors with the tell-tale construction lights shine proudly. Hopefully the building will find tenant, if only to bring more life to Downtown.
Revealing Chicago
Photos: Revealing Chicago