Generating Art from Unreal Tournament
CMYK designer jokes
Fun with CMYK designer jokes – see this Clockwork High Res version
Beer goggles’ effect solved!
Sure to win an Ig Nobel Prize, British scientists have come up with a formula for the Beer goggles’ effect.
What the Motorman Saw
Subway accidents not only affect the victim, but also the train crew: What the Motorman Saw
Pimp My Model
Architecture students with too much time: Pimp My Model. I still think our Bridge Break is still the pinnacle of geeky design spoof, but I’m biased.
Google Maps Christmas Tree Mash Up
Need to buy a Christmas Tree in New York City? Check out this Google Maps Christmas Tree Mash Up brought to you by the Gothamist.
Slowing traffic by setting up living rooms in the street
One of the more inventive traffic calming devices is slowing traffic by setting up a living room in the street.
Cyber Monday, Marketing Myth
Ridiculous Cyber Monday phrase is actually only less than 10 days old, and is completely false. And the term gives me the willies.
1980 transit strike recalled
In lieu of the impending transit strike, memories of the 1980 transit strike are swirling in Strap hanger’s heads.