Ahh… the small of Maple Surup in the air: ‘Sweet smell’ wafts through lower Manhattan
Memo – Don’t fuck withThe Onion
Memo – Don’t fuck with The Onion: So everyone has heard that the White House issued a cease and desist order to The Onion for using the Presidential Seal, well, here is their response
Mold Dog
Mold and particles in the air are having profound effect on our quality of life. Deemed “Sick Building Syndrome,” testing companies are sprouting up all over in order to test the air, much like asbestos abatement contractors 20 years ago. To set yourself apart, you have to be different; thus the mold sniffing dog named Savannah – certified by the State of California. For some reason, when they refer to Savannah as “Mold Dog,” I have to laugh.
Apple Picking
If you live in New York, this weekend and the next will be perfect Apple-picking weather. Find an orchard near you, and pick a bushel
Cutting Quill Pens from Feathers
How wonderfully anachronistic: Cutting Quill Pens from Feathers
Pakistan Quake aid hampered by web ban on satellite images shots
Why Leaves Turn Red
This would explain why there aren’t many red leaves in NYC: Why Leaves Turn Red
Terror Threat
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
Well, looks like my subway ride will be fun:
New York authorities stepped up security across the city on Thursday after what officials described as a specific and credible threat of a terrorist attack on the subway system in the coming days.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the FBI had alerted him to “a specific threat to our subway system,” which had come from overseas but had already been partially thwarted, while some officials cast doubt on the credibility of the threat.
This is so much damned if you do, damed if you don’t. I have to ride the subway (or take the bus), so here’s to hoping that the NYPD and the Feds kick some butt.
Banana Republican
Create A Character
South Park’s Create A Character is fun for minutes