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Wikipedia Entry: Goomba
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Average Joe: Olympics Edition
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
Annie Fannie Strikes Back, originally uploaded by SNLfreak5104
The day of reckoning has come and passed – the clock has ticked down. This morning it was announced in Singapore that London has won the 2012 Olympics bid.
If the 2012 Olympics bid were like Average Joe, then “Average Joe” New York – Met’s cap and all – lost to dapper Bespoke-clad London (with or without monocle is unknown). New York got voted out in the second round – only Moscow was cut before NYC. That could be NY2012’s or the NYC Chamber of Commerce’s new tagline:
New York City – Not as bad as Moscow
In all seriousness, NYC’s bid never had a serious chance to win the 2012 bid. The Olympics have been in the USA in Salt Lake City (2002) & Atlanta (1996) and in Vancouver (2010) – the IOC has been said to prefer to distribute the Olympics across the globe, and it has been in North America perhaps too frequently. Yes the stadium fiasco undoubtedly affected the bid, but as we wrote before, this falls squarely on the shoulders of Mike & Dan for not adequately planning. This wasn’t Politics Bringing down Development, but rather the process working: a huge white elephant stadium was stopped from being approved.
In the end, we are quite happy with London receiving the Olympics bid. Let them have the crowds, construction, and associated pain which the Olympics bring.
Check out these NYC 2012 Party from yesterday, and all photos with the Olympics tag.