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Santacon 2004
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
photo by rayolivares
Santacon 2004 was this weekend, and while I was not able to attend, there are some great photos by rayolivares (photo above) and a gazillian images by smudge. For those not in the know, Santacon is a gathering of people dressed in Santa costumes who partake in a day-long pub crawl. NY Times covered it during the weekend:
Santa got drunk yesterday. He cursed. He smoked. He took off his clothes in public. It was Santacon, an annual gathering of nasty Santas, in which some 500 naughty Clauses marched through the city, shouting, drinking, raising gentle mayhem.
Santacon began 10 years ago in San Francisco, where 30 friends, disheartened by the happiness of Christmas, got together in their Santa suits and set out to have some fun. They crashed a dinner dance and stole people’s drinks. Went to a strip club. Drank themselves silly. Some made it home. Others slept in the streets.