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Highline as freight line?
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
So this is interesting. The Forty Plus Foundation, doing business as Manhattan Central Railway Systems LLC (MCRS or Manhattan Central), filed with the Surface Transportation Board on October 26, 2004, to take over the Highline and begin using it as an industrial short-line track. (pdf)
For those not familiar with the Highline, (its’ official name is the West 30th Street Secondary Track) it is below grade, then at grade, then above grade rail line along which runs along 10th Avenue starting at 37th Street then runs above ground from 30th Street to Gansevoort Street. The Highline was part of the former New York Central freight line which replaced an existing at grade right-of-way. The Highline has been dormant since the construction of the Jacob Javits Center, when the Highline was severed from the National Rail Network at Penn Station.