Keeping track of time at the Olympics
Isometric pixel aerial image of DC
Judge threatens community center for housing RNC protesters
Detroit automakers lobby Washington hard for health care reforms
Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads featuring team
Bloomberg offers coupons to peaceful protesters
This post appeared in a previous blog and is here for posterity’s sake.
New York Region > Just Keep It Peaceful, Protesters; New York Is Offering Discounts” href=””>Bloomberg offers coupons to peaceful protesters. What the hell is he thinking? I have visions of, “Let them eat cake have free coupons!” I am pretty sure that the crowds who are coming to NYC to protest have no desire to go to Olive Garden or fucking Applebees. How insulting! On one side you have a large group proclaiming the need for change, and on the other freaking coupons! COUPONS! On the other hand, the Whitney does have a good show going on now.
Germans opening beer bottles
Germans opening beer bottles (flash)