- The Missing $1,000,000 Tax Bracket
- Citi Hosts Anti-Union Conference Call
- AIG’s Not Very Transparent List of Counterparties
- Proving that laypeople know nothing of the problems the MTA face because they aren’t being explained clearly & M.T.A. Warns of ‘Dire’ Fiscal Picture
- Transport Politic has had enough! What High Speed Rail Actually Means
- New from Over the Pond: Follett won’t list Lloyd’s building & Mayne and Meier in final four for London US Embassy
- Municipal Solar Financing
- How To Add More Space to Manhattan
Tag: links
Monday, Socialism is the new Liberal, Links
- Dow 36,000 Guy Accuses Obama of Sabotaging Economy – funny how angry people are getting about just returning the tax code to levels seen under Clinton
- How to Make Cap-and-Trade Into a Bad Joke
- High Speed Rail Planning
- McCain, Dowd Substitute Mockery for Understanding
- One More Reason to Tear Down the Sheridan Expressway
- Along the Mother Road
- Let’s Not Abandon Hardware
President’s Day Links
- @karimrashid Interviews @remkoolhaas
- George F. Will Takes on Science, Loses Credibility
- If the typo has been up for more than 50 years, it is history and should not be repaired: Major Washington Misquote Pointed Out on Presidents Day & NYC Transit’s Top Typos!
- Members of Congress Bragging About Projects They Voted Against
- Boehner Slams Mythical Vegas HSR Project, Ignores Ohio Rail Opportunity
- Apolitical Infrastructure
- Ravitch proposals losing support
- IS IT GREEN?: Designer Totes
- How To Be a Designer Who Works Out of An Office By Themself
- Free Transit
Links Are Back, Edition
- This is why I love ImprovEverywhere: Video: A High Five With Your Morning Coffee
- Breaking the news of a 70-year-old typo – I say leave up the typo, it is history
- Abandoned hospital photos
- Environmental Traffic Light Gives Urban Residents Sixth Sense
- A Positive Development Strategy
- MoMA Unveils Subway Installation
- The Trough of No Value
- Why We’re Probably in For a Long Recession
- On that Burnham Quote: Think Big. Freak Out.
- The Kindle and the End of the End of History
- Design lecture series in NYC
- Abandoned quarry reuse: Pedreres de s’Hostal
- Obama’s Economic Stimulus Plan Mapped Out
- Pictographs: Lance Wyman: National Zoo, Washington D.C.
Tuesday, Hello! Stumbleupon Visitors!, Links
- I’m always looking for these: AIGA 50 symbol signs
- September 11th Memorial Taking Shape
- Network City Course Syllabus – Spring 2009
- Actual CBO Report only came out yesterday: CBO Scores the Stimulus Bill – 79% spent in the next Fiscal Year or by the end of the next. Not bad!
- Regulating Carbon
- The Remnants with Ze Frank
- Jason Scott on the closure of AOL’s online communities
- Two from Coudal: Brooklyn Types & Concrete Quartely
- Brief Interviews with Hideous Cities
Thursday, Oscars Were Announced, Links
Day After Change, Links
- Obama signs temporarily replace Bush signs
- Illinois Legislature Puts a Price on Carbon – at $400 per ton
- Biology lecture “gig posters”
- Satellite image of inauguration
- The anti-dust fountains of Owens Lake, California: “rising like alien plants on the terraformed lakebed”
- Statistics, Science, and Speeches
- Posh to be Poor?
- Visualization: Residents per IKEA
- THE NEW GOTHAMS: 46 New Fonts from H&FJ
- Recycled Paper Sculptural Installations by Susan Benarcik
- Tradition and Change Battle on the Mall
- The Train in Spain Replaces the Plane
- Deconstructing Gaza
- Syllabus: Network Culture at Penn
- Czech artist tells European Union to lighten up
- Social Software Microprinter
Thursday, Snow Again?, Links
- Access to the Region’s Core is Approved and is waiting for funding
- Stimulus draft released; $30B for highways vs. $10B for transit
- OMA’s Zeekracht North Sea wind farm masterplan offers promise of European energy independence
- The Most Gerrymandered Congressional Districts
- Waiting outside the MTA hearing
- By Request: A National Grid?
- Seminal Store Design: SITE Best Stores – you! Watch! Now!
Monday, 20% Off, Links
- Why should we accept long infrastructure timetables? Setting New Transit Timetables
- Design Blog: The Functionality
- The Enduring Impact of a Bridge
- Manhattan as a vascular organ
- World Bank Policies and Public Participation
- Why forcing Detroit into making Buses or Trains: Training Detroit
- New Work: New York Philharmonic – not loving it
Friday, Hello Unemployment, Links
- We Read Goldman Sachs’ Mind-Numbing NYC Real Estate Report So You Don’t Have To (Kill Yourself)
- The Moynihan Station Towers That Weren’t
- The Costs of Health Care Inaction
- The Mediators
- Artist paints portraits of every grad in a found yearbook, then tracks them down
- MTA in action: Sustainability commission unveils green recommendations
- Tell Congress: Don’t Waste Money on Highway Expansion
- Google Transit isn’t about Google