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Tag: technology
MacOSXhints forum on Disabling iTunes Gapless Playback
Looks like other people are having the same problem I am having with iTunes 7 & Gapless Playback: freezing their computers. Check out MacOSXhints forum on Disabling iTunes Gapless Playback
Conjectural Transcript of the Upcoming Negotiations Between Apple and Universal Music
Surprise of the decade: Installing the Zune… sucked
Surprise of the decade: Installing the Zune… sucked
Requiem for a Dead Powerbook g4
Question: Electric Eel powerplant, why not?
Question: Electric Eel powerplant, why not?
On YouTube, Charges of Security Flaws
On YouTube, Charges of Security Flaws, since neither the WaPo or Navy Times links to the video (stupid), here’s the video: Homeland Security – Coast Guard Issues
Number Stations on VoIP
Number Stations, encoded transmissions over the airwaves (a la Lost), have been around since WW I, but now VoIP has been used for a crypto hacker challenge (via)
Caption this: Jobs & Gates at Dinner
Caption this: Jobs & Gates at Dinner
The world’s largest shuffle FM radio station
The world’s largest shuffle FM radio station